The Anomaly is a mysterious and destructive storm that regularly wreaks havoc on the planet Enoch. It's origins are unknown, but there is speculation.
Dr. Zahedi lists 3 phases (Inert, Awakening, and Active) that he has observed with the Anomaly in his journal: [1]
- In the Inert Phase, the Anomaly seems to have only subtle, harmless effects on the environment.
- Interactions with the atmosphere create auroras, and sensitive electronics start to malfunction. This is the phase in which we found the Anomaly when we first landed in the valley. Little did we know it was during this inert phase that the Anomaly builds pressure toward an inevitable, explosive release.
- In the Awakening Phase, the Anomaly begins causing its long term negative effects.
- Genetic alteration to flora and fauna result in rapid, mass mutations. Once green valleys wither and die, lakes become toxic and frequent electromagnetic pulses render all electronics useless.
- In the final Active Phase, the Anomaly's accumulated charge reaches its zenith, and explodes into storm-like phenomena.
- At first, it appears as a flickering in the atmosphere, while moments later manifests as bended beams of ionized gas, similar to a solar prominence. These violent conflagrations light up the skies with colors that are beautiful in their way, while obliterating almost any living thing they touch, and upending the very nature of reality.
- A storm can last for hours, or even days, before it finally calms down and returns to its Inert Phase, leaving behind surreal distortions, as it begins building pressure again.
Dr. Zahedi and the ECA both acknowledge the Anomaly's effects, and the challenges it presents to humanity on Enoch, in their respective entries.
"After an Anomaly storm has passed through an area, it will sometimes leave behind a trail of effects, of "distortions", that appear to bend and, sometimes, even violate the laws of physics. Within these distortions, up might become down, water might boil at zero degrees Celsius and Perpetual motion may no longer be impossible. These distortions are baffling, sometimes dangerous when coming into direct contact with them, and often remain as a persistent stain on the land for months or even years after the storm has passed."[2]
"…This Anomaly emits random, intermittent Electromagnetic Pulses [EMP]. These EMP's introduce high voltages to electronics, causing them to overload and overheat, effectively melting their internal components."[3]
The Anomaly also mutates humans, turning them into Altered. With no guarantee on what powers, if a human is to survive the storm to begin with, a person will receive. It is still unconcluded if the behavioral and mental issues suffered from the Altered are in responsibility from the Anomaly directly or the effects that having immense power and changes in social interactions does to one's psyche. [4]
See Also[]
- ↑ The Anomaly - The Anomaly's Phases; Dr. Abraham Zahedi - Personal Notes
- ↑ The Anomaly - Anomaly Distortions; Dr. Abraham Zahedi - Personal Notes
- ↑ The Anomaly - The Anomaly and Electronics; Excerpts of a report to the ECA council
- ↑ Groups - The Altered