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Outriders Wiki

Class Trees are the means by which you specialize a character's skills.

Each class has three branches to explore, each focusing on a different primary aspect: Weapon Damage, Survival, or Anomaly Power. These can also be considered to correspond to different playstyles.


There are small and large nodes in the Class Tree. Each small node grants bonuses to your character's attributes. Large nodes have more significant effects, granting greater percentage-based bonuses and affecting wider sets of mechanics. Some large nodes affect entire sets of skills that have the same keyword in their description.

Class Points[]

Class Points are acquired by leveling up to certain levels. They can then be spent on a character's Class skill tree to develop that character. These points are used to unlock class tree nodes (or Traits) in the Class tab of the menu.

There are 20 points in total that can be earned, with the final point gained upon reaching level 30. So, there are not enough points to fill out all three class trees entirely, but you can reset the tree freely at any time.

Class Trees[]
