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Outriders Wiki

Weapons are a type of gear equipped by the player for offense. They are dropped by enemies, found in chests, and sold by some vendors.


You may equip two primary weapons and one sidearm.

Rarity is easily seen by the background color of a weapon: Common (White), Unusual (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), Legendary (Gold). Rare weapons have a single weapon mod slot. Epic and Legendary weapons have two weapon mod slots.

Each weapon type has multiple variants, which determine other basic statistics. All weapons of the same type and variant share these statistics regardless of rarity and level.

For a list of Legendary weapons, see Legendary Weapons.

Weapon statistics[]

Each weapon displays the following stats in the UI.

  • Name usually consisting of Model and Paint Job
  • Level: 1-50
  • Weapon Type and Variation
  • Firing Mode represented by bullet icons:
    • 1=Single, 2=Burst, 3=Auto
  • Firepower increases the Weapon Damage you deal.
  • Attributes 0-3 of these depending on level.
  • Mods 0-2 of these depending on rarity.
  • Clip Size is how much ammo you use before needing to reload.
  • RPM is how many rounds per minute the weapon fires.
  • DMG is how much damage each round does.
  • Reload is how long it takes you to reload your weapon.
  • Crit Mult is the % of Critical Hit Damage you do.
    • 100% is normal, 125% is 25% more, etc.
  • Accuracy is the % chance of you hitting where you are aiming.
  • Stability is how much your aim reticle moves around while firing.
  • Range is how far you can shoot a target from.

Weapon variants[]

Primary weapons[]

Assault Rifles[]

Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Sharpshooter Single 15 500 1.5s 250% 91% 85% 55m
Standard Auto 40 600 1.5s 125% 86% 91% 35m
Tactical Burst 30 367 1.5s 164% 82% 95% 42m

Automatic Shotguns[]

Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Narrow Auto 10 240 2s 139% 94% 54% 17m
Slug Auto 20 462 3s 120% 79% 84% 10m

Automatic Sniper Rifles[]

Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Full Auto Auto 36 400 1.2s 200% 78% 78% 55m
Standard Burst 18 340 1.8s 300% 80% 85% 100m

Bolt Action Rifles[]

Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Standard Single 5 75 2.2s 250% 100% 44% 200m
Lightweight Auto 10 115 2s 300% 88% 73% 125m

Double Guns[]

Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Burst Fire Burst 52 471 1.8s 185% 76% 85% 80m
Demolisher Auto 80 388 2.7s 139% 65% 64% 80m
Standard Auto 60 750 2.7s 125% 76% 76% 50m

Light Machineguns[]

Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Stabilizing Auto 80 545 3s 129% 96% 91% 50m
Standard Auto 100 500 2.5s 110% 76% 93% 50m
Suppressing Auto 150 300 3.8s 110% 63% 93% 42m

Pump Action Shotguns[]

Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Breach Single 3 86 1.6s 104% 65% 24% 9m
Standard Single 6 68 2.1s 125% 78% 21% 10m


Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
One-Shot Single 1 133 1.4s 200% 98% 62% 125m
Standard Single 8 149 2s 250% 76% 59% 180m

Submachine Guns[]

Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Standard Auto 50 857 1.3s 150% 55% 89% 15m
Tactical Burst 60 409 1.1s 150% 91% 67% 35m



Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Burst Fire Burst 24 457 2.1s 125% 82% 84% 25m
Full Auto Auto 40 750 1.3s 129% 69% 91% 25m
High Caliber Single 14 333 2.4s 179% 74% 48% 40m
Standard Auto 34 361 1.8s 120% 74% 82% 30m


Variant Mode Clip size RPM Reload Crit mult Accuracy Stability Range
Standard Single 6 361 1.6s 200% 94% 25% 20m

Update History[]

First Patch - April 9, 2021
  • Critical Rating Damage Multiplier on Tactical Assault Rifle reduced to 165% (Previously: 175%)
  • Critical Rating Damage Multiplier on Marksman Rifle reduced to 250% (Previously: 300%)
    • Marksman Rifles with a 300% crit rate showed up to be dominating multiple crit builds. By making the modifier the same as for a Bolt Action Rifle, we want to offer players more options when choosing what gun to use.
